NIG codes (codes_countryname.txt files)

Link to country (with information about the file)VersionDatelink to file
  • European Union Countries within the Eurozone
  • Belgium Belgium
  • 15.04.2008codes_belgium.txt
  • Finland Finland
  • 201101.01.2011codes_finland.txt
  • Germany Germany
  • 200901.12.2009codes_germany.txt
  • Italy Italy
  • unknownItalian Forum
  • Luxembourg Luxembourg
  • codes_luxembourg.txt
  • Malta Malta
  • 601.09.2008codes_malta.txt
  • Netherlands Netherlands
  • 201101.01.2011codes_netherlands.txt
  • Slovenia Slovenia
  • 2010.111.04.2010codes_slovenia.txt
  • Non-European Union Countries but using the Euro
  • Andorra Andorra
  • Mr Euro28.11.2008codes_andorra.txt
  • Montenegro Montenegro
  • 2009codes_montenegro.txt
  • San Marino San Marino
  • 2008codes_san marino.txt
  • Non-European Union Countries not using the Euro
  • Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
  • 2008codes_liechtenstein.txt
  • Moldova Moldova
  • 2007codes_Moldova.txt
  • Transdnistria Transdnistria
  • 2007codes_Moldova.txt

    Besides these files I have files without all postalcodes from the following countries :

    Austria Austria
    Slovakia Slovakia

    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina
    Hungary Hungary
    Poland Poland
    Romania Romania
    Serbia Serbia
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Ukraine Ukraine

    I've you're interrested to use them, send a PM (forum) with all locations and postalcodes of that country

    Belgium Belgium

    Dutch (Flemish), French or German names are used in areas where it is spoken

    3 Regions of Belgium
    11 Provinces of Belgium

    20 Biggest Cities of Belgium
    20 Biggest Municipalities of Belgium (by population)
    20 Smallest Municipalities of Belgium (by population)

    589 Municipalities of Belgium / Gemeentes België
    30 Municipalities with language facilities of Belgium / Faciliteitengemeentes van België
    SubGroups :12Dutch-speaking municipalities with facilities for French-speakers
    4French-speaking municipalities with facilities for Dutch-speakers
    3French-speaking municipalities with limited educational provisions for German- and Dutch-speakers
    2French-speaking municipalities with facilities for German-speakers
    9German-speaking municipalities with facilities for French-speakers

    80 Postcodes
    52 Dots of Belgium

    Finland Finland

    Also Swedish names are used in areas where it is spoken

    6 Provinces of Finland (Läänit / Län)
    20 Regions of Finland (Maakunnat / Landskap)
    77 Districts of Finland (Seutukunnat / Ekonomisk Region)
    20 Biggest Cities in Finland
    50 Smallest Municipalities in Finland (2010)
    336 Municipalities of Finland (Kunnat / Kommuner)

    Disappeared Finnish Municipalities 1993-2011
    52 Bilingual and Swedish Municipalities
    SubGroups :19Unilingal Swedish
    19Bilingual Finnish-Swedish
    15Bilingual Swedish-Finnish
    100 Postal Code Areas of Finland

    city districts / kaupunginosat from old codes_finland.txt file
    total number of districts per city is not every time the same as in real situation


    2009 : many municipality changes

    Germany Germany

    NOTE : notes entered as 22929 Hamfelde or 22929 Köthel are not in the NIG endresult, due to the fact that both locations are in separate municipalities (with same postalcode)
    ACHTUNG : Scheinen eingegeben wie 22929 Hamfelde oder 22929 Köthel sind nicht im NIG endresultat, weil diesen orten verschiedene gemeinde sind (mit gleichen postleitzahl)
    LET OP : biljetten ingevoerd als 22929 Hamfelde of 22929 Köthel zijn niet in het NIG eindresultaat, omdat beide plaatsen in verschillende gemeentes zijn (met zelfde postcode)

    Use a form of / Bitte benützen Sie / Gebruik a.u.b. :

    22929 Hamfelde (Lauenburg) or/oder/of 22929 Hamfelde (Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg)
    22929 Köthel (Lauenburg) or/oder/of 22929 Köthel (Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg)

    22929 Hamfelde (Stormarn) or/oder/of 22929 Hamfelde (Kreis Stormarn)
    22929 Köthel (Stormarn) or/oder/of 22929 Köthel (Kreis Stormarn)

    16 Bundesländer of Germany
    50 Biggest Cities of Germany
    100 flächenkleinsten Gemeinden in Deutschland
    100 kleinsten Gemeinden in Deutschland nach Einwohnerzahl

    2076 Cities of Germany / Städte Deutschlands (SubGroup for Bundesland)
    SubGroups :312Baden-Würtemberg

    412 Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte of Germany (SubGroup for Bundesland)
    SubGroups :44Baden-Würtemberg
    13Sachsen2008 Kreisreform Sachsen-Anhalt
    14Sachsen-Anhalt2007 Kreisreform Sachsen-Anhalt

    Kreisfreien Städten, Kreisangehörige Städte und Gemeinde (SubGroup for Kreis / Kreisfreie Stadt)

    1101Baden-WürtembergStand: 1. Januar 2009
    2056BayernStand: 1. Mai 2007
    1Berlinsame as Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte
    419BrandenburgStand: 1. Januar 2009
    2Bremensame as Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte
    1Hamburgsame as Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte
    426HessenStand: 1. April 2008
    814Mecklenburg-VorpommernStand: 1. Januar 2010
    396Nordrhein-WestfalenStand: 1. Januar 2008
    2306Rheinland-PfalzStand: 1. April 2008
    52SaarlandStand: 1. Mai 2006 (thanks to ElBarto)
    485SachsenStand: 1. Januar 2010
    848Sachsen-AnhaltStand: 29. September 2009
    1116Schleswig-HolsteinStand: 1. Januar 2009
    951ThüringenStand: 1. Dezember 2009

    95 Postalcodes / Postleitzahlen (first two digits)
    12 Berliner Bezirke (Districts of Berlin)
    Please note : PLZ 10119,10179,10247,10367,10407,10435,10553,10623,10777,10779,10785
    PLZ 10787,10789,10825,10963,10965,10967,10969,12099,12107,12157,12161
    PLZ 12169,12249,12277,12279,12305,12347,12555,12623,13053,13353,13405
    PLZ 13407,13409,13597,13599,13627,13629,14052,14193,14194,14197,14199
    are all within more than one district

    8 Bremer Bezirke (Districts of Bremen)
    Please note : only PLZ 28201,28717,28757,28777,28779 are inside one district

    7 Hamburger Bezirke (Districts of Hamburg)
    Please note : PLZ 20144,20249,20254,20257,20354,20357,20359,20539,21107,21109
    PLZ 21129,22049,22087,22089,22113,22115,22309,22339,22391,22415
    PLZ 22417,22453,22525,22529,22547,22767,22769
    are all within more than one district


    1-1-2009 : many municipality changes
    29-1-2009 : small change, some PLZ of München failed (esp. in cities of Germany)
    october 2009 Städteregion Aachen (Kreisfreie Stadt Aachen + Landkreis Aachen)


    2011 Kreisreform Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

    Luxembourg Luxembourg

    locationsnames used as in the form : French (German) | Luxembourgian (only if there is a difference)

    3 Districts du Luxembourg (Distrikten Luxemburgs) | Lëtzebuerger Distrikter
    12 Cantons du Luxembourg (Kantonen Luxemburgs) | Lëtzebuerger Kantonen
    SubGroups :5District Diekirch (Distrikt Diekirch) | Distrikt Dikrech
    3District Grevenmacher (Distrikt Grevenmacher) | Distrikt Gréiwemaacher
    4District Luxembourg (Distrikt Luxemburg) | Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
    SubGroups :

    20 Biggest municipalities of Luxemburg (by population)
    20 Smallest municipalities of Luxemburg (by population)
    20 Biggest municipalities of Luxemburg (by surface)
    20 Smallest municipalities of Luxemburg (by surface)

    116 Municipalities of Luxemburg

    Malta Malta

    68 Local Councils / Kunsilli Lokali of Malta


    NEW version (for NIG 1.657) based on the begin of the postalcode

    Netherlands Netherlands

    12 Provinces of The Netherlands
    12 Provincial capitals in The Netherlands
    20 Biggest Cities in The Netherlands
    20 Biggest Municipalities of The Netherlands (by population)
    20 Smallest Municipalities of The Netherlands (by population)
    20 Biggest Municipalities of The Netherlands (by surface)
    20 Smallest Municipalities of The Netherlands (by surface)
    421 Nederlandse Gemeentes/Municipalities of the Netherlands (from 18-3-2010)
    SubGroups :12Drenthe
    31Friesland / Fryslân

    111 Disappeared Dutch Municipalities / Verdwenen Nederlandse Gemeentes (2002-2011)
    SubGroups :5Friesland / Fryslân

    281 kernen per provincie Drenthe
    22 kernen per provincie Flevoland
    449 kernen per provincie Friesland / Fryslân
    419 kernen per provincie Gelderland
    286 kernen per provincie Groningen
    312 kernen per provincie Limburg
    348 kernen per provincie Noord-Brabant
    287 kernen per provincie Noord-Holland
    241 kernen per provincie Overijssel
    121 kernen per provincie Utrecht
    226 kernen per provincie Zeeland
    238 kernen per provincie Zuid-Holland

    all kernen per provincie (locations by province) sort by municipality / based on my locations and Harry's Plaatsnamen

    90 postal codes (2 digits)
    827 postal codes (3 digits)

    70 Dots of The Netherlands

    Slovenia Slovenia

    210 Slovenske občine / Municipalities of Slovenia

    Unfortinatly the new site of Pošta Slovenije is far from perfect. Villages (Naselja v občini) aren't shown. But I took the data of Hofer to create this file.

    Three locations with the same postalcode and name create some problems :

    1252 Kandrše is both in Litija and Zagorje ob Savi
    2354 Zgornji Slemen is both in Maribor and Selnica ob Dravi
    3231 Grobelno is both in Šentjur and Šmarje pri Jelšah

    There are several spelling variations in the NIG file, but the most simple form goes to the location with the most people living there, being :

    1252 Kandrše to Litija
    2354 Zgornji Slemen to Selnica ob Dravi
    3231 Grobelno Šmarje pri Jelšah

    The are many locations with same name (and different postalcode), but in different municipalities. In these cases I have used location names like :

    8332 Bistrica (Črnomelj) and 3261 Bistrica (Kozje) but also 8332 Bistrica and 3261 Bistrica are in the file

    Andorra Andorra

    file posted on NIG topic by Mr Euro (28.11.2008)

    7 Parishes of Andorra

    Montenegro Montenegro

    21 Opštine Crne Gore / Municipalities of Montenegro

    San Marino San Marino

    9 Castelli di San Marino / Castles of San Marino

    Liechtenstein Liechtenstein

    11 Biggest municipalities of Liechtenstein (by population)
    11 Biggest municipalities of Liechtenstein (by surface)
    11 Municipalities of Liechtenstein
    2 Dots of Liechtenstein

    Moldova Moldova

    35 raions of Moldova

    Transdniestria not included

    Transdnistria Transdnistria

    You can not use this country in EBT because it's not recognized by another country or the United Nations. Use Moldova

    9 Transdnistria (regions)